I’m linking up again with The Bolin Bunch to tell you some random facts about myself. I’m a little nervous because some of these that I’m sharing, no one but Robert or my sister knows about.
Random Facts (in no particular order)
- I have a Black Belt in taekwondo. This one always surprises people…if you met me in real life you would be surprised as well. I am very quiet, timid, and shy…and you totally do not expect this from me. I am very proud of this and would like to someday get back into it.
- I was homeschooled my whole life. Yes I
wasam one of those “socially awkward kids” that every one associates homeschooling with. :o) - A quirk I have is that I like things to be set at/stopped on even numbers or the number 5. The temperature in the car/the number volume on the radio/the dollar amount when I pump gas, etc…
- From what little I have read and learned about the Enneagram, I’m pretty sure I am a 9. I am curious to figure out what my “wing” is. I think I lean towards having a 1 wing, but want to read more about it before I say for sure.
- I have my CPA license. I am stinkin’ proud of that thing. I worked very hard for that, paid a lot of money towards it, and had to say no to a lot of things in order to achieve it.
- I was 8 months pregnant with Emmalyn when I passed the CPA test (see above) and then she came about 2 weeks later (5 weeks early). I think the relief of finding out I had finally passed the CPA test made her come early, but I don’t know. Claire was 3 weeks early…maybe I just have babies who like to deliver early.
- I have to fall asleep with one of my ears covered by the sheet/blanket. I used to have sore throats/earaches a lot when I was younger and this was the only thing that helped it, so it’s just a habit now that I can’t break.
- We moved from Pennsylvania to Arkansas on my 10th birthday. I mean we actually loaded up the car and had to say bye to friends and our house…on my birthday. What a memorable birthday huh?
- I CLEP’d out of both Comp I and Comp II in college because I did not want to have to write papers (might be part of the reason why I majored in Accounting…I thought there would be less papers to write. How naive I was…).
- Davy Crockett is my 5th great-uncle by marriage.
This was fun! Please share a random fact about yourself below!
Please join in next month on the 10th, where we will be sharing 10 ways to show someone that you “love” them.
Until next time, keep it simple!
I loved learning more about you with this post! Like you, I want my numbers even or at 5. So cool! I like my covers up by my chin, but not my ear. Thank you so much for linking up with me. I hope you have a great weekend!