Recently I have been able to be a part of a few different book launches and I am happy to say I have enjoyed getting to read all of them. Most of them are nonfiction, but there is a fiction and a kid’s book included in this list. Hope you will go check a couple of the books out!

Sick of Me – Whitney Capps
This book is so good! It was exactly what I needed at the time I read it. The author put words to what I have been feeling, which is…”Sick of Me”. There were so many things I highlighted throughout the book that resonated with me. She explained that even though we have been justified through Christ, sanctification is an ongoing process. A process that we can’t do on our own, but one that requires us to look to Jesus for help on a continual basis. She stressed how important it is to get into God’s Word for ourselves and learn how to be authentic and point everything in our life to Christ. That is where true transformation lies. It took me awhile to get through this book, just because I would read some and then want to think on it for a bit. I think there was a lot to this book and because of that some of it (especially chapters towards the end) didn’t seem to flow together easily. I did enjoy this book and will be referencing it in the future when I get “Sick of Me” and need a reminder to turn my focus on Christ and remember that it is a lifelong process of continually looking to Christ and asking for His help in our everyday.
Paperback – I received a free copy of this book from B&H Bloggers for the purpose of an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Disciple Her – Kandi Gallaty
When I saw I had the opportunity to review this book, I was excited! I have been contemplating finding a mentor to disciple me and this made me want to pursue it and then maybe begin my own discipleship group in the future. This book stresses the importance of Jesus’ command of “go and make disciples” and I don’t think that is something we actively pursue in the current day.
The author walks women through a process of what discipleship looks like and how to go about doing it. She encourages Bible reading, memorization, Bible journaling, and prayer with just a small group of women (different than a Bible study class or small group setting). This book is full of helpful tools such as an 18-month by month plan, a covenant guide, a Bible reading plan, etc…
I liked how she said there are two goals for the women that are a part of your discipleship group: spiritual growth and replication. The following is quoted from the book “You want your ladies to grow spiritually and then turn around to help other women grow spiritually too. The whole point of being a disciple is to follow after Christ and become more like Him.”
I will definitely be reading this again and be praying about becoming a part of a discipleship group and hopefully in the future pursuing starting one myself.
Paperback – I received a free copy of this book from B&H Bloggers for the purpose of an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Lean Out – The Truth About Women, Power, and the Workplace – Marissa Orr
This book was so interesting! I enjoyed Marissa’s insight into being a corporate working mother at a couple of well-known companies and what was “required” of her. I was a little apprehensive about reading this because I thought it was going to be written in a “boring/factual/here’s what you should do” manner, but it was the opposite! Marissa’s writing style was easy to read as well as enjoyable. She intertwined research fact/findings with her own personal experiences she encountered within a male-dominated corporate culture which made it a thought-provoking read . I though this book was a breath of fresh air in the fact that she didn’t lean into the idea of “feminism” and how women should change to “be more like a man” in order to succeed, but instead focused on the idea of how you, and only you can only define your own definition of success. I wish this book would have existed when I graduated college and started out in the corporate world. I think it would have saved me a lot of stress and anxiety if I could have started my career with my own core values and what success means/looks like to me instead of realizing over 10 years later what that looks like to me now.
Paperback – I received a free copy of this book from Harper Collins Leadership for the purpose of an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Wooing Cadie McCaffrey – Bethany Turner
This was a cute, fun book to read. I read it over a weekend and enjoyed it. I wanted to rate it higher because I really did enjoy it, but I felt like there were too many “big issues” (i.e. premarital sex, miscommunication, parent-child relationships, faith issues, etc.) that the author was trying to put in there all together and it just felt forced to me at times. With that being said, it was an overall sweet storyline and I enjoyed all the references to different movies (i.e. Sleepless in Seattle, Dirty Dancing, The Proposal, etc.) I am looking forward to reading more by this author in the future!
Paperback – I received a free copy of this book from Revell Reads for the purpose of an honest review. All opinions are my own.

The Intimate Connection – Dr. Kevin Leman
I have been a fan of Dr. Kevin Leman’s for many years. I first read his book “The Birth Order Book” when I was in high school and as a high schooler enjoyed it tremendously! Since then I have read a couple of his other books and was excited to get to read this one! His writing style is easy to read and he is very knowledgeable about the topic of marriage. I liked how he discussed how differing personalities play a role in marriage and how important it is to not only see and know about the other person’s personality, but to also know our own personality and what makes us do what we do. I enjoyed how he shared practical things we can begin to implement on a daily basis to help to invest in creating a healthy marriage relationship. This book is a must-read for married couples and would make a great gift for any newly-wed couple just beginning on their marriage journey. I am looking forward to talking with my husband about different ideas/thoughts I found in this book and hopefully starting to implement in our marriage going forward!
Paperback – I received a free copy of this book from Revell Reads for the purpose of an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Why God – Dan Dewitt
“Why God?” – two words that people have been asking since the beginning of creation (see the story of Job in the Bible) and this book in a very elementary way goes about answering that. I read it to my 2 year old and my 5 year old, but in all actuality, it was a good reminder for me as well. I feel like my two year old was a little young for this book, but she enjoyed the illustrations a lot. I wasn’t sure how much my five year old would understand, but she surprised me and later that night brought up something mentioned in the book and we got to talk about it a little more. This book would definitely be a helpful resource for when kids start asking challenging questions like “Why God?” and you can respond to them on their level by starting with creation. I enjoyed this book and will be recommending to friends and family with young kids!
Hardback – I received a free copy of this book from B&H Bloggers for the purpose of an honest review. All opinions are my own.
Hope you will check a couple of these books out, I really enjoyed them and am excited to take some of the things I read and apply them to my marriage, work, and spiritual life in the future!
Until next time…keep it simple!