Linking up with Anne for the March “Currently” link-up!
Currently I am….
planning: I am working on planning Emmalyn’s 4th birthday party. It is this Saturday and it is the first party that we are having friends attend and also having it at a place other than our house. I’m trying not to stress too much about it, but I am not a fan of planning parties and events so it does worry and stress me out because I’m always afraid I’m forgetting some sort of detail or something. I am trying to tell myself…it doesn’t have to be perfect. What matters is that Emmalyn has fun with her friends and family.
seeing: I am enjoying watching my girls grow up and play together. They already seem to have a special bond and I hope/pray that will continue and grow stronger as they get older.
making: This was a hard one for me to come up with, but I am working on making memories. I know the days are long, and the years are short and so I am trying to make a conscious decision to be present with my family more and try to have fun and do things that make memories rather than just sit around watching TV or playing on our phones.
pretending: So I am going to be vulnerable and say I’m tired of pretending that my life is picture perfect and that my life doesn’t have messy parts. I was going to take the easy way out and say I love watching Emmalyn have an imagination and pretend things, but no…I am going to say I’m tired of pretending I’m fine and life is perfect. Jamie Ivey came to NWA this week and I got to meet with her and hear her speak. She wrote a book titled “If You Only Knew” and in it she talks about her story and about being open and transparent with people. She talks about how God has given us each our own stories and if we don’t show others our whole stories and just continue to show the parts that are all put together it’s not giving God the glory He deserves. Since reading this book this year and hearing Jamie speak about it, it has been on my heart that I need to begin being real with people. I’m still figuring out how to do this and what it looks like, but I want to stop pretending that everything is okay when I have struggles and have messy parts of my life.
wearing: I finally bit the bullet and ordered some Masckara make-up. I am enjoying wearing it and love how easy and fast it is to put on. I’m not 100% convinced it is right for me yet, but I think it is because I need a different shade and I’m thinking that might make a big difference in how it looks on me. I am having fun learning how to use it and finding out the best way to apply it to make it wear the best for me.
That was fun! Looking forward to linking up again on April 4th, when we will be talking about what we’re currently showering, cultivating, expecting, buying, and cooking.
Until next time….keep it simple!
Being present… sometimes kind of a challenge when you’re in the thick of parenting, but always a good reminder. And what better time to do it than enjoying celebrating your kiddo’s birthday? Hope you can have fun without too much stress 🙂
Thanks for linking up!