Sorry I haven’t been on here for awhile, time has just gotten away from me. I had all these big, bright ideas of what I was going to get to do with this blog while on maternity leave and I am 8 weeks in and I haven’t done a single thing. You just forget how much having a newborn takes out of you…both physically and mentally.
Anyways, I here now for a short little update. Maternity leave has just been awesome this go around. I haven’t had a lot of people around or obligations to go here or there, so Claire and I have just gotten to bond. This week I can really tell a change in her…just her starting to see things and recognize me. I swear she has even smiled at me a couple of times when I’m talking to her.
Emmalyn has still been doing great with her! I am so impressed and so happy about how well things have gone from that aspect. The girls and I spent Saturday night at my parents’ house this weekend to spend time with Dad for his birthday and Father’s Day (and to give Robert a break for his Father’s Day present). That was nice…I was able to get some sleep in a bed instead of a chair. I am still breastfeeding (haven’t introduced bottles yet, that will probably be next week) so I had to get up and feed her, but then I handed Claire to mom and got to go lay back down. Emmalyn slept with me, which I loved, because we haven’t gotten to sleep together at all since Claire was born and I miss it. Apparently she does too because when I asked if she wanted to sleep with me or Mimi and Pops, she said me and told Mimi that she doesn’t sleep with Mama anymore. Break my heart…

My big girl sleeping with me…completely konked out!
Then we went over to Robert’s parents’ house Sunday night for dinner and to celebrate Father’s Day with his family. Emmalyn ended up spending the night with them. She did so good and when Grandma brought her home on Monday, she didn’t want Grandma to leave. I love seeing her interact with all her grandparents…it is very sweet. I never had that because we always lived far away from them (and other reasons as well), so this is new territory for me in having family living close by and my girls having a relationship with them.
I can’t believe I am 8 weeks into maternity leave. It has gone super fast. I am loving it and it will be so hard to go back to work. I always thought I would be a stay-at-home mom…that is just what I have always wanted and pictured myself doing. But unfortunately that is not how it has worked out for me…so I am trying to soak up this additional time with my baby girls. I was planning on writing about this subject last week and linking up with Mix and Match Mama about “something I struggle with”, but it just didn’t happen…but this is will be something I revisit in the future to talk about because it does bother me and I do struggle with it.
Anyways…I hear Claire stirring. I’d better go get in the shower before she wakes fully up. Talk to you soon!
Until next time…keep it simple.