Happy September!!! I have to say that September is probably one of my favorite months of the year (and not because it is my birthday month)…I think it’s because I know Fall is coming and then the holidays will be here.
So…I have not been doing very well at goal setting and meeting goals for the past few months. It’s been a hard couple of months with stuff at home and at work and I have been just struggling with overwhelm and tiredness. However, I am feeling optimistic that September will be good and I will start making progress on my goals this month.
Typically, I will want to recap results from my previous month’s goals and then share my current month’s goals, but since I haven’t shared any goals here for quite awhile I’ll just share some September goals (and honestly a lot of these are carryovers from August that I didn’t complete). I am basing the structure off of Lara Casey’s Powersheets.I have been using these this year and love them! I enjoy how they make me stop and contemplate what it is I really want to accomplish and break them down into smaller manageable pieces.
Encouraging Words:
Life isn’t about being productive. It’s about being purposeful. – Holley Gerth
Monthly Goals:
- Grandparent’s Day
- Mail cards and pictures of the girls to grandparents and great-grandparents
- Mail fun package to Amanda and Tristan
- Have items, just need to package and mail
- Reading
- 1 non-fiction
- 2 fiction
- Decide on Halloween costumes for the girls
- Celebrate Robert’s birthday
- Figure out a plan to begin my “35 in 35” journey
- I originally wanted to do this last year calling it my “35 by 35” journey. I wanted to lose 35 lbs. by the time I turned 35. Well, bad news…it didn’t happen. Good news is that I didn’t gain any additional weight to have to lose to make it to my goal end weight.
- Limit social media
- I have noticed how being on social media and just scrolling and scrolling affects me and makes me feel uncontent and restless. I am tired of feeling that way, so I am limiting the time I spend on Instagram and Facebook this month and see how that impacts me.
Weekly Goals
- Church attendance
- Blog
- once a week
- Encouraging note to someone
- Weekly meal prep
- I would like to start meal planning and placing an order with Walmart Pickup on Saturdays/Sundays so that during the week we aren’t scrounging around trying to come up with something to eat and ultimately getting take-out 3 to 4 times a week.
- Plan for upcoming week
Daily Goals
- Quiet time with God (Bible, Prayer, Gratitude)
- I’ve resigned myself to the fact that due to the season I am in, I can’t sit down and read a passage, journal, and pray for a long time, but I can listen to a short devotional podcast (Hello Mornings is one I have found) or read a She Reads Truth/IF post sometime during the day. So if I can do one of those things daily I am checking my box off.
- I am feeling that my prayer life is something I need to focus on. I have a direct line of communication to the Creator of everything and I do not do it near enough. I need prayer in my life. Specifically this month I am praying for my husband, my girls, and for my Miracle Prayer.
- I did this at the beginning of the year and I noticed how much it improved my attitude and how I seemed to feel more content, so I am starting to implement this back into my day, by writing down one thing I am grateful for every day.
- Move Goal (7,000 steps)
- Since I am wanting to lose weight, I know I need to be more active. It is hard right now, because I feel like I do not have a lot of free time right now…but I am trying to be more conscious of moving more and getting up and walking around during the day when I am at work. My intention is to increase my steps month by month.
- Headspace app
- I read on Emily Ley’s blog one day about the app “Headspace“. I downloaded it and have been using it for a few days now and I really am enjoying those few minutes of intentional quiet. I’ve never been one for the idea of meditation (thought it too fru-fru), but I admit…I feel so much calmer and relaxed after it. Looking forward to doing this every day this month and seeing where it takes me.
- Water intake (96 oz.)
- Vitamins/Floss
I am hoping to make a little progress on these. I need to make small changes in my life in order to make big changes. I am hoping I can really try to make progress on my Daily Goals and Weekly Goals, I want these to become being habits in my life so I can take these off and add new Daily and Weekly Goals to improve my life.
Until next time…Keep it simple!