What We’re Eating This Week: My little family has become addicted to Sunbelt Bakery Fudge Dipped Chocolate Chip Chewy Granola Bars.
Robert loves them, I love them, and I’m a little ashamed to admit that I’ve even gotten Emmalyn hooked on them as well. So yummy!
What I’m Reminiscing About: I’ve been thinking lately about how hard I worked to get my CPA license. I guess I’m thinking a lot about it because last week I went to an afternoon of CPE with our NWA Society of CPA’s. They are all smart and accomplished and it’s nice to feel like I am one of them since I passed the same test they did. I feel like I gave up a lot to achieve that license. Lots of late nights, a lot of weekends spent studying, a lot of things I had to say no to during that time, but I did it and at 8 months pregnant nonetheless!
What I’m Loving: I am loving the Kiinde feeding system for Claire. It is bags that you can pump directly into and then attach a nipple to so your baby can drink directly from the bag. It is so nice to only have to wash nipples at night instead of both bottles and nipples. It says you can also do formula and baby food in them. I don’t know if we will continue it after my breastfeeding journey is over or not, but it has definitely been nice and easy to use this far.
What We’ve Been Up To: My grandmothers came to visit at the beginning of the month (both on the same weekend) and it was so sweet to see my girls interact with their great-grandmothers.
Also, we jumped on the eclipse bandwagon and I enjoyed getting to see that! Ever since I read about it in either “The Bobbsey Twins”, “Nancy Drew”, or some series like that from when I was young, I have ALWAYS wanted to see one. We had about 92% totality here in Arkansas, but Arkansas should have 100% totality in the next one (in about 7 years).
What I’m Dreading: I am dreading Emmalyn’s dentist appointment and Clair’s four month shots this next month. For some “smart” reason, I scheduled them on the same day. Lucky me…
What I’m Working On: I’m working on my TBR list. I have like three different lists going on in different places with tons of books I want to read, so I am working on weeding those lists down and having a list in one spot. I’m also working on catching up at work from being on maternity leave. I came back to a covered desk and I am slowly making my way through all the piles and piles of paperwork.
What I’m Excited About: Long Labor Day weekend! Mine and Robert’s birthdays are next month! Also, I am looking forward to cooler evenings so hopefully we will be able to go on some family walks.
What I’m Watching/Reading:
- Watching: This past month I watched “You’ve Got Mail” and “Serendipity”.
I haven’t seen these movies in years and had forgotten about how much I like them!!!
- Reading: I have overwhelmed myself with books and it’s all my fault. I signed up for a lot of ARC’s that I need to read and write reviews on, I have been selected to be a part of a few book launches (books that I am extremely excited to read and tell people about), and it’s like ALL my library books have come due at once. I haven’t had much time to read, so all of this has been stressing me out a little, but I’ll get through it and so be on the lookout for some book reviews coming your way in the next couple of months!!!
What I’m Listening To: I am enjoying Emily Ley’s August playlist as well as her “Slow Mornings” playlist.
What I’m Wearing: I’m back to work clothes…I am proud of myself that I am wearing my pre-maternity pants. They are a little uncomfortable, but at least I’m wearing them. **update – I was picking the girls up from daycare and I bent down to put Claire in her car seat and RRRIIIPPPP…yes, my pants split wide open. OOOPS…. I guess that’s what I get for bragging on myself for being able to somewhat fit in them.**
What I’m Doing This Weekend: So thankful that it’s a long holiday weekend and am looking forward to spending time with my little family and catching up on sleep (hopefully), and maybe sorting through Emmalyn’s and Claire’s clothes to see what they’ve outgrown and organizing them a little better.
What I’m Looking Forward to Next Month: Labor Day weekend because of having an extra day off. and mine and Robert’s birthdays.
What Else Is New: Emmalyn starts ballet next week. I’m looking forward to seeing how well she likes it.
Until next time…keep it simple.