Today I’m linking up with Anne Bogel of Modern Mrs Darcy to share what has been saving my life during these long winter months.

Claire falling asleep in her crib by herself! You can read more about this in an earlier post from this week.
The girls starting to play more together. They have recently started playing together more during bath time or they will randomly go into Emmalyn’s room and start playing. They will play for a good 15 – 20 minutes sometimes and it is so nice because I can work on housework or else just sit for a few minutes by myself. Granted I hear “Mom, Mommy, Mama” alot during this time, but I’ll take what I can get.
Claire’s therapy. So this past year (since May 2018) Claire has been in physical therapy (I am hoping to explain more about why in a blog post soon) and for about 4 months I was having to take time off work and take her twice a week to the therapy place. This had its pros and cons…Pros – sometimes I would bring Emmalyn with me and we would have Panera/Starbucks dates and she still talks about these times or I would have time to read or do what I wanted while sitting there waiting for Claire. Cons – I was beginning to take too much time off from work and it was starting to negatively impact me workwise. Also it was starting to get expensive because our insurance only covers so many sessions and once we reach that limit we have to pay out of pocket 100% for any other sessions after those. Well, then we learned about a program that we could apply for and the therapists would come to her daycare and the program would cover the dollar amount that insurance wouldn’t. This has been such a God thing…it has relieved a lot of stress off of me and Claire is still getting the therapy she is needing.
Books and reading. Reading is always something I will say is saving my life (during any season). Books have always been my escape outlet and my go-to. I am a better mom, wife, friend, person when I take time to read.
What is saving your life right now? I would love to hear!
Until next time…keep it simple!