Hi! It has been awhile since I’ve posted anything. I can’t believe it’s been since April that I have done this particular link-up with Shay of Mix and Match Mama. The months of May and June just got away from me. I was sooo busy at work. We went to the annual GFOA conference (in LA this year), the auditors were here, got assigned some extra projects to work on, worked on planning the Arkansas GFOA conference that we had last week in Little Rock, and just other random things. So it has just been a tad crazy around here, but I’m starting to see a little light at the end of the tunnel.
What We’re Eating This Week:
This week Emmalyn is taking swim lessons that I signed her up for at the last minute last week, so our meals are going to be quick and easy this week.
Monday – This was a night that you just had to fend for yourself and grab whatever leftovers we had in the fridge. We all ate different things – the girls had leftover pizza and popcorn chicken, Robert had Chicken Cordon Bleu from the Sam’s Club freezer section, I had leftover Chicken Piccata from a restaurant here in town.
Tuesday – Sloppy Joes (also known as Manwich Sandwich)
Wednesday – Chicken and rice
Thursday – Chicken Sheet Pan Dinner from the freezer section at Walmart and probably hot dogs for the girls
Friday – Probably take out of some kind
I got an Instant Pot on Prime Day and since I was out of town last week, I haven’t broken it out to try just yet. I’m hoping to try something this weekend with it! I’ve been pinning a lot of recipes to try, hopefully I won’t blow the house up on my first go with it! :o)
What I’m Reminiscing About:
Nothing really, just trying to enjoy all the moments with my little family this summer.
What I’m Loving:
I got a new iPad with a keyboard case and Apple pencil and I am loving it (what little I’ve gotten to play with it). The keyboard works so well and it’s neat to see my own handwriting in OneNote. I’ve also downloaded the Procreate app and have been messing around with that some and even though I’m not super creative I think it will be a lot of fun when I figure out all the things I can do with it!
What We’ve Been Up To:
Being sick. Yes, all 4 of us have been sick going on two weeks now and it’s getting old! It’s a combination of head colds, viruses, ear infection, and sinus infections…I feel like we need to take a week off and stay home to recuperate! We aren’t supposed to be sick like this in the middle of summer! I’m ready for all of us to feel better soon!
What I’m Dreading:
Emmalyn starting Kindergarten in a couple of weeks. I know she is ready…you can tell that she has outgrown daycare, but I just know that once she starts “real school” time is going to fly by and she is going to seem like she grows up more quickly! I’m also dreading her starting school because I never went to “real school” (I was homeschooled my whole life) and it’s hard for me when she asks me a question about school and I can’t answer it, because I don’t know how it is. I get that there will be things throughout life that will fit in this category, but school is a major part of life and I just which I had some sort of barometer to know how to answer questions about it and help guide her through it. Does that make sense? This is something that I am having to fully trust Jesus with, but it is hard for me. I know she is going to do great and will enjoy it so much!
What I’m Working On:
Trying to get a little more organized at home and at work. I just feel scattered at both places and I’m just ready for more organization/routines/less clutter. I’m doing it little by little…I know I’ll never be “organized” to the point I want to be, but a little progress is better than no progress at all right?
What I’m Excited About:
My sister’s bachelorette party in Austin in October! I’ve been wanting to go to Austin for awhile now and I think this will be a fun time with my sister and her friends!
What I’m Watching/Reading:
Watching: Nothing really…haven’t had much time to sit down and watch “mommy” shows. I’ve been doing a lot of watching kid movies (since we’ve been sick). We actually watched “How to Train Your Dragon” a couple of weeks ago and I enjoyed it way more than I expected to!!!

Reading: I have been doing so much reading lately! The month of July was a big reading month for me fiction-wise. I tend to read a lot when I’m stressed or worried about things and I was stressed and quite busy the months of June and July and my reading life shows it for sure! I hope to have a post up with the books I read in May, June, and July within the next week (got a little behind in posting since work has been so busy and stressful), so come back for that, please!
I’m currently reading “None Like Him” by Jen Wilkin and “Slightly South of Simple” by Kristy Woodson Harvey. Liking both of them a lot so far!
What I’m Listening To:
I’be fallen off this bandwagon the past couple of months as well. I’ve only listened to a handful of podcasts and I started an audiobook borrowed through the Hoopla app provided through my Library, but didn’t finish it before the expiration date.
One thing I did want to share was that I have been searching for some ways I could incorporate learning Scripture into my girls’ lives and I found an album on Spotify that we have been listening to on and off. It’s called “Songs for Saplings” by Dana Dirksen and they are little songs based on Bible verses. They definitely are “elementary” sounding, but I’ve noticed that when I turn it on Emmalyn catches on to singing the words pretty quickly. I’m going to be searching for more Bible verse songs and will share any more that I find. If you have any good ones that you know of, please share in the comments!
What I’m Doing This Weekend:
I honestly don’t know that we have any plans. I hope that the girls and I feel better so we can go spend some time with my dad. It’s been awhile since we’ve seen him and we are missing him and think he might be missing seeing us too. :o)
I also figure we will be pulling out the “Slip-N-Slide” we bought last weekend and letting the girls play on it. They played this past weekend on it and loved it! Emmalyn got really good at sliding the whole length and ending up at the pool in the end!

What I’m Looking Forward to Next Month:
Our schools here start on a Tuesday this year, so I have scheduled a day off for that Monday and am planning on spending time with Emmalyn that day. I want to do a lot of things she wants to do/suggests. I’m hoping it will be a fun day before she starts “real school” and it will be a good memory for the both of us in the future!
What Else Is New:
Nothing much…just anticipating all the new things changes that “real school” will bring to our family starting this month.
Until next time…keep it simple!